Written by Otto Saayman
Uploaded by Otto Saayman

Melmoth Information Centre
PO Box 751, Melmoth, 3835
Tel 035 450 2672
Email ghostinn@iafrica.com

When the British government annexed Zululand in 1887 and established several magisterial districts, it was decided to administer that of Mthonjaneni from a town named after the resident commissioner - Sir Melmoth Osborn. Situated in a lush green mist belt 800m above sea-level, Melmoth is a long established trading and agricultural centreWith an emphasis on timber. The area embraces one of the largest conservancies in KwaZulu-Natal, plus a major bird sanctuary of the Zululand Birding Route.

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Last edited on Thursday 3 August 2017 09:13
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