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BEACHES: Doonside, Warner Beach, Winkelspruit and Illovo
Amanzimtoti ...
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Ratings: 0
Mpumalanga, the place of the rising sun, is one of South Africa's newest and fastest growing provinces. The province covers almost 80 000 square kilometres of what some may call God's own country.
Diamond Coast Forever Namaqualand
Tel 027 807 2999
Located on the mouth of the Buffels River, 72km south of Port Nolloth
and 99km west of Springbok. Kleinzee is the site ...
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Ratings: 0
The United States, with its large size and geographic variety, includes most climate types. To the east of the 100th meridian, the climate ranges from humid continental in the north to humid subtropical in the south. The Great Plains west of the 100th ...
Tourism Information
Email :
Tel: 039 976 1364
Fax: 039 978 3114
Scottburgh, Umzinto, Kelso, Park Rynie, Pennington, Bazley, Elysium,
Ifafa, Mtwalume, sardines and beaches are some of the terms associated
with this renowned ...
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Ratings: 0
This area developed with the railway's arrival in early 1900, followed
15 years later by construction of a rudimentary whaling station at its
northern extreme. As with many South Coast settlements, its name was
derived from a land surveyor s fond memory ...
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Ratings: 0
The name Shelly Beach is derived from the shells that proliferate the
area. Thanks to the Protea Banks Reef which runs some 7 kilometers off
shore, the collectors find the exquisite miniature "Pink Lady" shells,
along with other Indo. Pacific and Temperate ...
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Ratings: 0
Mozambique offers unique historical and cultural heritage, tropical beaches, coral reefs, spectacular landscapes, rich architecture and small unspoilt islands close to the coast, making it one of the most enticing tourist destinations in Southern African. ...
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Ratings: 1
The rapidly extending South Coast Railway first passed through here in
1901, but the embryonic village was without a name until a decade
later, when retired Postmaster-General of Natal, Mr Maxwell- Hibberd,
bought a farm here. A trading store and hotel ...
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Ratings: 0
31B Atrium Building
Main Road, Vredenburg, 7380
Tel 022 715 1142
Fax 022 715 1141
St Helena is the only town on the West Coast where the sun rises over
the sea. The coastline is very ...
Comments: 0
Ratings: 1
Found: 445
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